Firefox is no doubt the browser of choice for those who look to surf better, with greater control and efficiency. Few days back, our dear Firefox turned 5. Time to celebrate!

Let’s celebrate by becoming firefox power user. The following six firefox extensions will turn you in to Power surfer. These addons have been carefully picked for the normal computer user who does not have any specific requirements as such. Some innovative features like speed dial come enabled out of the box with other browsers like Opera and Google Chrome. Infact Opera comes with a nice set of other innovations like Opera Wand (Secure login for Firefox) and Paste and Go feature which has been available in it for long. Other extensions fill some significant deficiencies in Firefox. The default firefox install is very raw and does not come with many enhancements. For instance, tabbed browsing features like ability to customize tab bar’s location and tab widths cannot be set easily without any addon as of still. I’d recommend the following six extensions to be installed with every new firefox installation.

tab_mix_plusTab Mix plus – When it comes to great tabbed browsing in firefox, tab mix plus is the way to go.

Tab Mix Plus enhances Firefox’s tab browsing capabilities manifold. It includes powerful features as duplicating tabs, controlling tab focus, tab clicking options, undo closed tabs and windows, plus much more. It also includes a full-featured session manager with crash recovery that can save and restore combination of opened tabs and windows. Undo closed tabs feature is really nice and handy. With Tab mix plus installed, you won’t have to worry about any other tabbed browsing extension.

Download here:-

speed_dialSpeed Dial
Speed Dial helps you easily access your most used websites. Speed dial is like visual bookmarking. It’ll let you pick up to 9 visible website location in a black tab for one click access to your most used websites.

To assign one website to Speed Dial, use the new “Set as Speed Dial” option in the bookmarks menu, or right click on the tab you want to add, and choose “Set as Speed Dial”. That option is also available in the contextual area menu.

Download here:-

Preferences bar or Prefbar
I have been using preferences bar since it was only available for mozilla suite, there was no firefox around at that time. It is my one of the favorites extensions I add every time I install firefox. It gives you a bunch of options you can toggle on and off while surfing the web. The original preferences toolbar was designed to give the user more control over the pages viewed, and to allow the power browser to use mozilla with greater ease and efficiency than ever before. The PrefBar 4 takes this concept to a whole new level; along with the standard preference checkboxes, the new version includes utility buttons, user agent spoofing, web links, and more, served on a fully customizable toolbar with a side of white rice. Not many people know about it, you must give it a try, I am sure you’ll love it.

Download here:-

ad_block_plusAdblock Plus
Now that we have our firefox dressed to our liking, it’s time to fill some small shortcomings, one of them is killing unnecessary ads and junk that we are used to while surfing. Its’ time to install Adblock Plus if you are annoyed by all those ads and banners on the internet that often take longer to download than everything else on the page. Install Adblock Plus now and get rid of them. Oddly, some websites can still spot that adblock plus is enabled and may ask you to turn it off. Still, it

Download here:-

secure_loginSecure Login
Secure login is inspired by the opera wand feature. Secure login comes very handy when you need to fill login boxes. It creates a little key shaped icon in the navigation toolbar that helps you fill login forms with a single click. Login with one click or a keyboard shortcut (automatically submitting the login forms). Easy and convenient selection for multiple logins (multiple users). Secure login also prevents malicious JavaScript code to automatically steal your login data.

Download here:-

claims to be the first and only download manager/accelerator built for Firefox that integrates completely with it.
DownThemAll is fast, reliable and easy-to-use! It lets you download all the links or images contained in a webpage and much more: you can refine your downloads by fully customizable criteria to get only what you really want!

You may want to install it if you are not using any other download accelerator as many download accelerators come with their own ways of integrating with Firefox.

Download here:-

paste_goPaste and Go 3
The default behavior for browsers while opening a new URL from text in the Clipboard would be to paste the text and then click on the Go button or hit enter. Paste and Go helps you save that extra click or trouble of hitting enter after pasting link. Paste and Go 3 also comes with ‘Paste and Search’ option which lets you quickly search through firefox search box.

Download here:-

That ends our six powerful web surfing addons for firefox. I hope they help you become much more productive & help you surf the web powerfully.