When you connect to the internet, there are many chances of getting infected with malware. That is a reality. Antivirus & anti-malware software exist in the market to fill this need, to protect your PC from internet threats. Many a times, we invite viruses inadvertently by not following common safety measures. The following tips will help you protect your pc from internet security threats.

Keep PC Clean: It is important that your PC stays clean if you use the internet. Keep it clean from the ‘bad, harmful objects’ like spyware, adware or viruses. Keep a good quality comprehensive security suite installed or atleast get a robust antivirus and antispyware with real time protection running. These are a must. There is no need to purchase 30 different kinds of anti spyware software or those famous adware removers. Good professional quality antimalware software will give you fewer headaches while combating internet nuisances.

Some good antivirus products have built in spyware protection while some firewalls have routines to block adwares and protection against identity thefts built within. See what makes an antivirus better. I’ll recommend buying kaspersky antivirus if you can invest money. Both AVG & Avast antivirus are good free alternatives. AVAST internet security will give you enhanced protection against those security threats the free antivirus cannot tackle.

Schedule Maintenance & Updates: Schedule scans to monitor threats on regular basis. This helps you stay protected not just online but also offline. Quick scanning once every forthnight and full scan every month should be sufficient. This will remove pests, harmful programs, objects that get piled up overtime and will keep you pc performing great.

If you download software/movies/images/videos or any other thing from the internet it is recommended that you scan those items. Before opening them right click on them and use your antivirus to scan them. Windows built in firewall isn’t that effective. Get a better one offering inbout and outbound protection. We recommend ZoneAlarm Pro firewall for novices.

Prevention is better than cure and proactive defense is always a good option.